Dictionary.com has found 36 different ways to define "life."
Honestly, I don't know how. I see one definition that's universally fitting: "The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally."
Because no one likes nerdy dialect, all this means is that there are certain things that separate the living world from the nonliving world, and these things are completely measurable and testable qualities.
Like I said in my previous blog, life elsewhere isn't impossible, but it
is rare. It's so rare that we could have missed it, or we might miss it after we're gone, even though some form of us has been here for more than 2 billion years, and we probably won't be going anywhere anytime too soon.
So why is it that everyone takes life so seriously?
It's embedded in us from birth to consider the human species as the most important of all on Earth. I don't find it necessary to give a lengthy explanation of why this is, because everyone has experienced this feeling firsthand.
If I would have never been told I was important, maybe I wouldn't have cared so much about what others thought for so long. Maybe I wouldn't have been so terrified of interacting with people that I would have let go of my teacher's hand during pre-school recess. Maybe I would have climbed more jungle gyms and not worried about people thinking I looked scared or stupid. Maybe I wouldn't have abandoned everything in middle school that made me a smart kid, and maybe I wouldn't be so exhausted all the time trying to make up for all those years of studying I lost.
Then again, maybe I would be writing about how the human species
is important, just because I'd been told otherwise all my life and felt the need to give a counterargument to the issue.
In the end, all I really wish is that people would stop taking things so seriously. I wish people would reach out to the people they hate and find an incredible connection, somewhere, deep down. I wish people would willingly give people second chances, because that grudge that's clung so tightly to will disappear with the rest of the solar system when the time comes. If the Big Bang Theory is right and the universe collapses in on itself just as it exploded, none of the remnants of our species, no floating satellites, no radio signals, nothing of the sorts will even exist after so long. So what is it that makes people so judgmental, so hostile, so closed-minded? Why can't people talk to other people that have a different sense of style from them? What makes a person more socially acceptable, and why is it even an issue? Doesn't that just inhibit our potential advancement?
On these issues, I usually make little sense, but I'm so tired of how people treat me, how people treat each other, and how people don't understand that they're like this.
Maybe this will always be just a wish.